1.- Registration Data.

This Legal Notice regulates the use of the internet service (hereinafter, the “Website”) as well as any existing or future social media accounts or profiles (hereinafter, “Social Media”), which PAPELERA DE BRANDIA, with its address for these purposes at Paseo de Amaia, 2. 15076 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña), Spain, makes or may make available to internet users.

2.- Purpose.

Through the Website and its presence on social media, PAPELERA DE BRANDIA provides users with access to and use of various services and content made available by PAPELERA DE BRANDIA or by third parties.

3.- Terms of Use and Acceptance.

Access to and/or use of this Website and the profiles or accounts of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on Social Media confers the status of a user, and implies full acceptance by the user of these conditions of use, as well as any specific conditions established for certain services that complement these, committing to use them in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, the specific conditions of certain services, and other notices, regulations, and instructions brought to the user's attention, as well as moral standards, generally accepted good customs, and public order.

The website and the profiles/accounts of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on Social Media can be freely visited by users, excluding those parts where there are “private access areas” and/or services, as well as in certain Social Media that may require user registration, which entails completing the corresponding process, which will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the service itself, Social Media, or in the Specific Conditions that regulate them.

All information provided by the user must be truthful. For these purposes, the user guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated as a result of the use of the Website and/or the profiles/accounts of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on social media. Likewise, the user is responsible for keeping all information provided to PAPELERA DE BRANDIA permanently updated so that it corresponds, at all times, to the user's real situation. PAPELERA DE BRANDIA is not responsible for any damages that may be caused to third parties by the information provided.

To this end, the user will refrain from using any of the services and/or profiles or accounts for illegal purposes, those prohibited in this Legal Notice, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or in any way that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate, or impede the normal use of the services and/or profiles/accounts, the computer equipment, or the documents, files, and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment (“hacking”) of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA, other users, or any internet user (hardware and software).

In particular, and by way of example but not exhaustively, the user agrees not to transmit, disseminate, or make available to third parties’ information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, and, in general, any kind of material that:
- In any way is contrary to, undermines, or violates fundamental rights and public freedoms recognised constitutionally, in International Treaties, and in the rest of the legislation, especially all those related to the treatment of personal data;
- Induces, incites, or promotes criminal, defamatory, slanderous, violent actions, or, in general, actions contrary to the law, to moral standards, good customs generally accepted, or public order;
- Induces, incites, or promotes discriminatory actions, attitudes, or thoughts based on gender, race, religion, beliefs, age, or condition;
- Incorporates, makes available, or allows access to products, elements, messages, and/or services that are criminal, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading, or, in general, contrary to the law, to moral standards, and to good customs generally accepted or public order;
- Induces or may induce an unacceptable state of anxiety or fear;
- Induces or incites involvement in dangerous, risky, or harmful practices for health and mental balance;
- Is false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated, or untimely, in a way that it misleads or may mislead about its object or about the intentions or purposes of the communicator;
- Is protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the user having previously obtained the necessary authorisation from the owners to carry out the use they make or intend to make;
- Violates the trade secrets of third parties;
- Is contrary to the right to honour, to personal and family privacy, or to the image of individuals;
- In any way undermines the credit of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA or third parties;
- Violates the regulations on the secrecy of communications;
- Constitutes, where applicable, illegal, misleading, or unfair advertising and, in general, constitutes unfair competition;
- Incorporates viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or impede the normal functioning of the network, the system, or computer equipment (hardware and software) of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA or third parties, or that may damage electronic documents and files stored on such computer equipment;
- Causes difficulties in the normal functioning of the Service due to its characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.);
- Contains HTML tags different from those expressly authorised by PAPELERA DE BRANDIA.

The user agrees to use the content made available to them on the Website and/or on the accounts/profiles of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on Social Media correctly, understanding by these, without this enumeration having a limiting character, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links, and other audio-visual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes, in accordance with the law, this legal notice, the specific conditions of certain services, and other notices, regulations, use, and instructions brought to their attention, as well as moral standards, generally accepted good customs, and public order, and in particular, agrees to refrain from:
- Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, or otherwise publicly communicating, transforming, or modifying the content, unless authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights or unless legally permitted;
- Removing, manipulating, or otherwise altering the “copyright” and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA or its owners, the digital fingerprints, or any other technical means established for their recognition;
- Obtaining, and even attempting to obtain, the content using means or procedures other than those, as the case may be, made available to them for this purpose, or indicated for this purpose, on the Web pages where the content is found or, in general, those that are usually used on the internet.

4.- Introduction of Hyperlinks.

Users, and all those intending to establish a hyperlink between their Web page or portal and the Website or in those accounts/profiles of social media that allow it, must comply with the following conditions:
- The hyperlink will only allow access to the homepage or the initial page of the Website, but will not reproduce them in any way;
- No frame will be created on the Web pages of the Website.
- No false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements or indications will be made about the Web pages of the Website, the services provided, and/or the accounts or profiles of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on social media.
- It will not be implied in any way that PAPELERA DE BRANDIA has authorised the hyperlink, or that it has assumed in any way the services offered or made available from the Web page and/or account/profile of the social media in which the hyperlink is established.
- Except for those signs that form part of the same hyperlink, the Web page and/or the profile/account of the social media on which the hyperlink is established will not contain any distinctive sign, recognised by current legislation, of which PAPELERA DE BRANDIA is the owner, unless it has been expressly authorised by it.
- The Web page and/or Social Media account on which the hyperlink is established will not contain content contrary to the rights of third parties, nor will it contain unlawful content, contrary to moral standards, good customs generally accepted, and public order.

5.- Industrial and Intellectual Property.

The entirety of this Website, as well as the accounts/profiles of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on social media: text, images, trademarks, logos, audio and video files, buttons, software files, colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement, and presentation of its content, are the property of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA or third parties, and are protected by Spanish and international laws on Industrial and Intellectual Property. Likewise, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the content of the Website is considered computer software and is subject to all current Spanish and European Community regulations in this area.

By the fact of the access that the user makes to the Website and/or to the account/profile of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on a certain social network, none of the exploitation rights that exist, or may exist on said uses, are transferred to the user beyond those strictly necessary for their correct use.

6.- Limitation of liability.

PAPELERA DE BRANDIA excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to:
- The presence of viruses or other elements in the content that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents, or files of the users.
- The transmission, dissemination, storage, making available, reception, obtaining, or access to the content.
- Lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Website, its services, and/or accounts/profiles on social media, the failure of the usefulness that users may have attributed to the Website and/or the profile/account on a particular social network, the fallibility of the Website, its services, and/or profiles/accounts on social media, and, in particular, but not exclusively, to failures in accessing the various Web pages of the site, its services, and/or the profiles/accounts of PAPELERA DE BRANDIA on social media.
- The proper functioning of technical link devices (such as, among others, banners and buttons), directories, and search tools that allow users to access websites and/or social media profiles/accounts belonging to and/or managed by third parties. The sole purpose of installing these technical devices is to facilitate users' search and access to the information, content, and services available on the Internet.
- The quality, legality, reliability, and usefulness of the information, content, and services existing on linked sites.
- The use of services and content by users, or that may be due to the lack of truthfulness, validity, completeness, and/or authenticity of the information that users provide to other users.
- The content that users of discussion forums, mailing lists, and/or PAPELERA DE BRANDIA profiles/accounts on social media may introduce, or the opinions expressed therein, being solely and exclusively responsible for such actions. In accordance with the above, PAPELERA DE BRANDIA reserves the right to temporarily or permanently withdraw them, as well as in cases that, in its judgment, so require, establish the necessary mechanisms to prevent further access to the service and/or PAPELERA DE BRANDIA profile/account.

7.- Privacy Policy.

The uses and rules that PAPELERA DE BRANDIA follows in compliance with Regulation EU 679/2016 and its development regulations are those set out in the privacy section "Privacy Policy" of this Website.

8.- Cookie Processing.

PAPELERA DE BRANDIA informs the user of its website of the use of its own and third-party cookies to provide better management and attention to the requested service. These computer tools are files downloaded to your computer, whose main purpose is to recognize the user and their browsing habits.

PAPELERA DE BRANDIA, to expand and clarify the above, makes available the first "Guide in Europe on the Use of Cookies" prepared by European data protection authorities in collaboration with various industry representatives. Notwithstanding the above, the user can always find up-to-date information on this subject at

In another regard, we point out (not exhaustively, as for various technical reasons, whether internal or third-party, they may vary at a given moment) the cookies used by PAPELERA DE BRANDIA or third parties on its website.

Cookies used in our website

كوكيز ذاتية النوع الهدف
brandia الجلسة يوجدها مقدم خدمة التطبيقات حينما يوجد جلسة للمستخدم في الويب.
brandia_cookies إضفاء الطابع الشخصي كوكيز للموافقة على سياسة الكوكيز
كوكيز أطراف أخرى النوع الهدف
Google Analytics
(__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz)
كوكيز التحليل "معرفة كيفية الإبحار عبر موقعنا الويب بهدف تحسين الخدمات التي قد نعرضها. هذه المعلومات مجهولة الهوية ونحتاجها فقط لأغراض إحصائية" (المزيد من المعلومات هنا)
Google Analytics (_utmx) كوكيز التحليل إجراء اختبار أ/ب من أجل قياس فعالية تغييرات التصميم (المزيد من المعلومات هنا)

Note: PAPELERA DE BRANDIA undertakes, as far as possible, to keep the preceding list duly updated (latest version: 29/06/2018).

We also inform you that, to block or prevent the use of cookies, depending on the browser used, you must generally go to the security or configuration section of the browser. In any case, consult your browser's help.

9.- Notifications.

All notifications made by a user or third party to PAPELERA DE BRANDIA will be considered effective as long as they are sent by certified postal mail to the address: Paseo de Amaia, 2; 15076 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña), Spain.

If the communication refers to the performance of illicit activities or the infringement of industrial or intellectual property rights, it must include documentation proving the facts and an express declaration of the truthfulness of the same.

10.- Duration and suspension of services.

PAPELERA DE BRANDIA reserves the right to suspend services when it deems appropriate, particularly to those users who infringe the provisions of this Legal Notice.

11.- Applicable law and jurisdiction.

This legal notice and all relationships established between PAPELERA DE BRANDIA and the user shall be governed by Spanish law. PAPELERA DE BRANDIA and the user agree to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Santiago de Compostela for the resolution of any disputes arising between them.